Vol. 5, Núm. 13 (2018) Collection home page

Autor: Dra. Carolina Orantes García, Instituto de Ciencias Biológicas-UNICACH, carolina.orantes@unicach.mx

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 22 of 22
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
27-Jul-2017Allometric height-diameter equations for Pinus pseudostrobus LindlJONATHAN HERNANDEZ RAMOS
6-Jun-2017Genetic diversity in apple tree cultivars established in the Sierra de Arteaga, Coahuila, MexicoMAYRA ALEJANDRA ESCOBAR SAUCEDO
8-Jun-2017Dietary protein requirement in common snook (Centropomus undecimalis ) juveniles reared in marine and brackish waterBARTOLO CONCHA FRIAS
11-May-2017Differentiation of apomictic and sexual genotypes of Brachiaria spp., using molecular markersERNESTINA VALADEZ MOCTEZUMA
14-May-2017Chia (Salvia hispanica) harvest residue induces cytokine expression in rabbitsMONICA ILSY JIMENEZ ROJAS
24-May-2017Water quality of the Grijalva river in the Chiapas and Tabasco borderKARIM MUSALEM CASTILLEJOS
14-Aug-2017Standardization of PCR technique for detecting Listeria monocytogenes in chicken, beef and porkASAEL EDEM DE LA ROSA ZARIÑANA
12-Aug-2017Distribución potencial de Pinus cembroides, Pinus nelsonii y Pinus culminicola en el Noreste de MéxicoMARIO ALBERTO GARCIA ARANDA
4-Jun-2017Actividad ovicida y larvicida de extractos acuosos de Pluchea sericea y Artemisia tridentata en Haemonchus contortusRAMON LUCK MONTERO
23-Mar-2017Toxicidad de extractos de Carya illinoinensis (Fagales: Junglandaceae) contra Meloidogyne incognita (Tylenchida: Heteroderidae) en tomateAGUSTIN HERNANDEZ JUAREZ
23-Sep-2017Forage and tuber yield and nutritional composition of Manihot esculenta Crantz meal with organic fertilizationVICTOR FRANCISCO DIAZ ECHEVERRIA
15-May-2017Cactus diversity in the Sierra del Rosario, Durango, MexicoJOSUE RAYMUNDO ESTRADA ARELLANO
22-May-2017Lunar phobia in phyllostomid bats at La Ceiba, Tuxpan, VeracruzJUAN MANUEL PECH CANCHE
29-Aug-2017Effect of cattle and wildlife exclusion areas on the survival and growth of Pinus culminicola Andresen & BeamanJavier Jiménez Pérez
25-May-2017Yield and quality of hybrid tomato grafted and cultivated under shade mesh and greenhouseANTONIO REYES CABRERA
-Use of Eichhornia crassipes dry matter as organic substrate for germination and initial growth of corn-
9-Aug-2017Dosis letal media y reducción media del crecimiento por radiación gamma en pasto africano (Eragrostis lehmanniana Ness)ALAN ALVAREZ HOLGUIN
25-Apr-2017Contenido mineral en hojas de la hojarasca del matorral espinoso tamaulipecoROQUE GONZALO RAMIREZ LOZANO
15-Jun-2017Efecto del almacenamiento sobre la viabilidad y germinación de dos especies arbóreas tropicalesCARLOS ALBERTO RIOS GARCIA
3-Aug-2017Chemical residuality in maize (Zea mays L.) fields irrigated with deep well waterMA. ELIZABETH AZPILCUETA PEREZ
31-Aug-2017Nanotecnología: Un nuevo paradigma científico en la producción agropecuaria del siglo XXIRICARDO HUGO LIRA SALDIVAR
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 22 of 22