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DSpace captures, distributes and preserves digital research products. Here you can find articles, working papers, preprints, technical reports, conference papers and data sets in various digital formats. Content grows daily as new communities and collections are added to DSpace.

The DSpace content is organized around Communities which can correspond to administrative entities such as schools, departments, labs and research centers. Within each community there can be an unlimited number subcommunities and an unlimited number of collections. Each collection may contain an unlimited number of items.


Browse allows you to go through a list of items in some specified order:

Browse by Community/Collection takes you through the communities in alphabetical order and allows you to see the subcommunities and collections within each community.

Browse by Title allows you to move through an alphabetical list of all titles of items in DSpace.

Browse by Author allows you to move through an alphabetical list of all authors of items in DSpace.

Browse by Subject allows you to move through an alphabetical list of subjects assigned to items in DSpace.

Browse by Year of publication allows you to scroll through a list of all items in DSpace in reverse chronological order.

You may sign on to the system if you:

Submit is the DSpace function that enables users to add an item to DSpace. The process of submission includes filling out information about the item on a metadata form and uploading the file(s) comprising the digital item. Each community sets its own submission policy.

My DSpace is a personal page that is maintained for each member. This page can contain a list of items that are in the submission process for a particular member, or a task list of items that need attention such as editing, reviewing, or checking. In the future this page will also maintain information about personal services offered by DSpace, such as e-mail notification when new items are added to a collection.

Edit Profile allows you to change your password.

About takes you to information about the DSpace project and its development.


To search all DSpace, use the search box located on the left side of the page.

Search Box

Search box

The words you enter in the search box will be searched in the title, author, year of publication and subject of each element.

To limit your search to a specific community or collection, navigate to that community or collection and use the search bar on that page.

Search Box


The DSpace content is organized around Communities which can correspond to administrative entities such as schools, departments, labs and research centers. Within each community there can be an unlimited number subcommunities and an unlimited number of collections. Each collection may contain an unlimited number of items. This organization gives DSpace the flexibility to accommodate differing needs of communities by allowing them to

Each community has its own entry page displaying information, news and links reflecting the interests of that community, as well as a descriptive list of collections within the community.

Search Box


Communities can maintain an unlimited number of collections in DSpace. Collections can be organized around a topic, or by type of information (such as working papers or datasets) or by any other sorting method a community finds useful in organizing its digital items. Collections can have different policies and workflows.

Each DSpace collection has its own entry page displaying information, news and links reflecting the interests of users of that collection.

Search Box


When you access an area of DSpace that requires authorization, the system will require you to log in. All users can register to become subscribers. Some restricted functions, such as content submission, require authorization from the community

Before logging in for the first time, you must click on "register with DSpace" and add your email.

Search Box

Followed by this a link to the email will arrive in which you must enter your email address and password in the login form that appears.

Your email address must include your username and domain name. It does not differ between uppercase and lowercase.

Example: moniker@mycorp.com

Enter your password exactly as you originally entered it. It is sensitive to uppercase and lowercase. Be sure to click on the "Login" button to continue.

Search Box


You will be presented with a modified entry form adapted to capture additional information. Otherwise you will get the "default" entry form.

Multiple files: an element can consist of more than one file in DSpace. A common example of this would be an HTML file with references to image files (such as JPG or GIF files).

Another example of this would be an article supplemented with a video simulation and a data file. The information you complete will form the metadata record that will allow users to retrieve their item using the search engines. The richer the metadata, the more "accessible" your article will be, so take the time to complete as many fields as are applicable to your article.

Authors and contributors:

This can be a person, organization or service responsible for creating or contributing to the content of the article. In the upper part there is a search engine for the different identifiers (ORCID, CURP, DNI, CVU) By clicking on the "Add more" button, you can add up to 5 authors and contributors as necessary.

Search Box


Enter the full and correct name by which this element should be known. All DSpace articles must have a title!

Issued date

If your article was published or made public previously, enter the date of that event here. If you do not know the month, leave the default "no month"; otherwise, select a month in the drop-down box. If you do not know the exact day, leave that box empty.

Search Box


Enter as many keywords as are appropriate to describe this element, from the general to the specific. The more words you provide, the greater the likelihood that users will find this item in their searches. Use an entry box for each word or phrase in the topic. You can get more input boxes by clicking on the "add more" button.

Author submit

SUBMIT: Upload a File top of submit top

Click on the "Browse" button and a window will appear showing your files. You can browse through your directories and folders until you find the correct file to load. Double-click on the name of the file you want to upload, and the name will be entered in the entry box. Once the correct file name is in the entry box, click on the "next" button to continue.

SUBMIT: Verify Submission top of submit top

This page allows you to review the information you have entered to describe the article. To edit or edit information, click on the corresponding button on the right, or use the buttons in the progress bar at the top of the page to move through the sending pages. When you are satisfied that the shipment is in order, click on the "Next" button to continue.

Author submit

SUBMIT: License top of submit top

DSpace requires agreement to this non-exclusive distribution license before your item can appear on DSpace. Please read the license carefully. If you have any questions, please contact your DSpace Administrator.

SUBMIT: Submission Complete top of submit top

Now that your submission has been successfully entered into the DSpace system, it will go through the workflow process designated for the collection to which you are submitting. Some collections require the submission to go through editing or review steps, while others may immediately accept the submission. You will receive e-mail notification as soon as your item has become a part of the collection, or if for some reason there is a problem with your submission. If you have questions about the workflow procedures for a particular collection, please contact the community responsible for the collection directly. You can check on the status of your submission by going to the My DSpace page.


Depending on the role in My DSpace you will find:


This page allows you to change the information we have for you. You must be authenticated with your log-in to change any of your personal information.


Users can subscribe to receive daily e-mail alerts of new items added to collections. Users may subscribe to as many collections as they wish. To subscribe:



For help with using DSpace and questions about your specific site, please contact your DSpace Administrator.

For general information and news about DSpace, visit the DSpace Website.