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dc.descriptionStreptococcus pneumoniae has been for decades the number one bacterial killer of children in the world. Although vaccination with pneumococcal conjugate vaccines [PCV7, PCV10, and PCV13 (children) or PPSV23(adults)] has helped decrease the burden of pneumococcal disease (PD), mortality remains high. The introduction of pneumococcal vaccines has also created a niche for vaccine-escape clones. Moreover, the rise of multidrug resistant clones around the world has also posed a serious threat in recent years. Rapid and accurate identification of the pneumococcus in patients suspected of having PD is a high priority as rapid identification of the etiology will lead to better outcomes and thus may help in reducing mortality associated with PD. Efforts have been made for the last ten years in my laboratory to get insights into the biology of the pneumococcus and pneumococcal genetics in order to develop knowledge and tools to assist in decreasing the burden of disease. In my laboratory, a translation science laboratory, we have undertaken or participated in basic science studies, epidemiological studies around the world, clinical trials of new potential antibiotics, and we have spent several years developing and validating molecular technology to identify the pneumococcus and its 90+ serotypes.
dc.titleResearch on the biology of the pneumococcus and pneumococcal diseases: the number one cause of death in children worldwide.
Aparece en las colecciones: Vol. 16, Núm. 1 (2017)

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